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Sunday 2 June 2013

Injections to enhance erections

Are there any medications one can inject to enhance erections?

Sure. The prostaglandin derivative alprostadil has been around for several decades. It is used by people who have had a stroke or some other neurological disorder. The medication is administered by a tiny needle that is inserted into the muscles of the penis. The erection, if it occurs, usually last 45-60 mins. Because patients with paralysis have no sensation, pain is not felt during injection. 

However, use of this needle in normal people can be quite painful. (If you do not believe me, take a needle and stick in your penis and you will soon find out how painful this can be) Repeat injections of this medication is associated with scar formation. Finally, despite the hype, this medication works in less than 10% of patients. Why it does not work in everyone is a mystery. It is also very expensive. Definitely not recommended for anyone.


I was having pain in my lower abdomen and an ultrasound coincidently showed a 5 mm gallstone. My doctor says I should undergo gallbladder surgery. What do you think?

Your surgeon is nothing more than a scam artist. Just because you have gallstone, does not mean that you need surgery. At least 30% of the population has gallstones but that does not mean everyone needs surgery. If your gallstone does not bother you, leave it alone. Eat a low fat diet and lose weight. Finally, change your surgeon. Any surgeon who recommends surgery for coincidental findings (with the except of cancer) is only interested in making money and has little concern for your welfare. 

There are thousands of patients who have suffered serious injuries from undergoing unnecessary surgeries.

Arm Lift Surgery

What exactly is an arm lift?

Arm lift is a cosmetic procedure where the surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the upper arm. Many women and some men do not like the sagging arms and undergo this procedure. However, you should beware that the procedure is not without complications such as scarring, pain, altered sensation and wound infections. In some cases, the nerves which run in the arm may be damaged, resulting in permanent disability.

If you intend to undergo this procedure, I highly recommend you stop smoking and take time in selecting your surgeon. In most cases, the risk of complications is increased with incompetent surgeons-of, which there are many.

For the lucky people who have a good surgeon, the result of an arm lift are long lasting but not permanent. Most people develop good self-esteem and feel great after the surgery. However, for those unlucky ones who select a bad surgeon, depression and anger are common.

CT colonography

My doctor recommended a CT colonography for me. I am a 55-year-old male?

The first thing to do is change your doctor. This is a second rate test which often misses cancer or polyps. The gold standard for screening colon cancer is a colonoscopy. You just need one test after age 50.  Ct colonography also exposes you to your radiation and even if a mass or lesion is seen, the technique does not allow for a biopsy. 

So, if you are going to spend money, go for a colonoscopy. There are many doctors who are ignorant and order unnecessary tests that have low sensitivity. You have to understand that medicine is a business and many doctors lack ethics. Scamming patients is a well known disease in North America.

Travel and vaccine

I am planning to take a trip to Thailand later this year. Do I need any vaccine?

Absolutely not. The travel industry run by physicians has been scamming travelers with bogus vaccines and pills for decades. Unless you are going to drink water from the toilet or eat poop, you do not need anything. Even if you go the jungles in northern Thailand, you still do not need any prophylactic medications for prevention of malaria. The world has changed and improved a lot for tourists. Thailand is not a backward country with dreadful infections.
In the last decade, doctors have been offering all sorts of vaccines and medications for travelers but the majority of tourists do not need anything. Most of the hotels offer first-rate facilities that are clean. In fact, you are just as likely to get some crap infectious disorder by visiting LA or any other major city in the USA. 

The only advice I would give is wash your hands, do not eat food from the vendors and avoid sex without protection. The only vaccine that I recommend for adults is the hepatitis B vaccine.

Doctors who offer travel vaccines and malaria pills are nothing more than quacks and frauds.

Neuropathy prevention

I am a diabetic and have just been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Is there anything I can do to prevent worsening of my disease?

Asides from controlling your blood sugars, I highly recommend that you protect your feet. This is vital. Most people neglect their feet. For diabetics and those with peripheral neuropathy, shoes that provide good protection are vital. You certainly do not need the $1,000 pair of shoes sold at the podiatrist run shoe store. Just go to any decent shoe store and get a pair that fits right and is sturdy. Some podiatrists and orthopedic doctors have turned the shoe industry into one big scam- screwing the insurance companies and patients out of millions of dollars each year.

Honey instead of sugar

Can I use honey instead of sugar for my coffee? I have head that honey has good health benefits.

Well, a lot has been reported about honey but its medical benefits are questionable. The only people who brag about honey and its miraculous healing powers are the manufacturers of the product and ignorant consumers. Honey can be used instead of sugar. However, you should know that honey has more carbohydrates than plain sugar and significantly many more calories. 

There is no harm in using honey as long as you use a small amount. As far as its health benefits are concerned, there are no good quality studies that show that honey is a wonder health supplement.