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Sunday 10 March 2013

Losing weight by drinking water

Can I lose weight by drinking more water?
Many people seem to think that by drinking more water, it can help get rid of the excess fat. This is a myth. If you drink water instead of the cola beverages, you do save a lot of calories. However, if you continue to supersize your foods and do not exercise, drinking more water does not do anything. 
The only way you can lose weight by drinking water is if you do not eat anything else. This way you will lose weight within a week, but you will also end up in hospital completely dehydrated. Upon discharge, you will also be faced with an enormous medical bill. If you want to lose weight, start to eat less and walk more. 
Be realistic in your expectations. If it has taken you several years to gain weight, it will take about that much time to get rid of it.

Whole grains for weight loss

Are whole grains good for health?
There is no doubt that whole grains are great for health because they contain many vitamins, minerals and fibers. You can eat cereal, whole grain bread, brown rice, bulgur, whole-wheat pasta and so on. You can even add fruits to this diet. 
Unfortunately, whole grains are not very appetizing or palatable. After a week of whole grains, the diet does become dull and monotonous. So the best method is to eat a little of the processed foods at the same time or take a break from whole grains every once in a while. If you are trying to lose weight, then you also need to eat less and start walking more.

Time release vitamins

I am thinking of buying time-release vitamins. Are they helpful?
No, time-release vitamins are ideal for people who are forgetful, not compliant and ill. The time-release vitamins once absorbed release a small amount of the vitamin over the course of 24 hours. However, these vitamins are many times more expensive than the regular vitamins and hence are of no practical use. If you are too lazy to take your vitamins, then you certainly are too lazy to exercise.
 Healthy people who want to take a time-release vitamin need a kick up the backside. The vitamin industry is a billion dollar industry because of lazy people like you. Why people want to eat vitamins in the first place is a mystery. I recommend fresh fruits and vegetables. There have been ample reports of fakes and counterfeit products from the Orient- and vitamins are no exceptions.

Growth hormone to prevent aging

Can I take growth hormone to slow aging?

In the last two decades, growth hormone mania has gone wild. Many people seem to believe that it is the panacea for aging and many other health problems. GH is produced in a small gland (pituitary) at the base of the brain.  GH is vital for growth and development in children. It also plays a role in metabolism and growth of bone. With advanced age, the release of GH from the pituitary gland starts to decline. This has now initiated a whole industry that believes that consumers should start taking GH to replace the low levels of GH. However, the question is does GH prevent aging?

First, people who have high levels of GH also grow old and in fact, too much GH results in premature death. There is no scientific evidence that GH can stop or prevent aging. So the answer is No- GH will not make you look young but if you do take it- your physical features can become grotesque.

Who can take growth hormone?

Can anyone take growth hormone?

Well, anyone can take anything but GH has specific indications. Because GH is a small peptide like hormone, it can only be administered via an injection. If you swallow GH, it will be broken down by the acid in the stomach. GH in the USA is only available with a prescription. 

Doctors only prescribe it if you have a proven deficiency. GH deficiency is rare but may occur in people who have cancers of the pituitary gland or those who have surgery or radiation therapy to the brain. GH injections can help increase muscle mass, improve bone density and also improve exercise endurance. 

Today, one of the most common indications for GH use is in patients with HIV who have severe muscle wasting. The treatment is for a few months at a time.

Risks of growth hormone

Does GH have any risks?

All hormones have a risk if they are taken in excessive amounts. Patients who are administered GH often complain of the following problems:

-       increased swelling of the arms and legs

-       joint and muscle pain

-       development of carpal tunnel syndrome

-       enlargement of the breast in men

There are also reports that GH can lead to development of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, there are no long-term studies on GH. However, even short-term use of this hormone is not recommended if you do not have a deficiency. Many bodybuilders do use GH and often develop grotesque facial features and thick heavy bones.

Buying Growth hormone

Many health websites sell GH as a pill. Is this true?        

Unfortunately, the health supplement market is out of control. GH is a small peptide and if taken by mouth is immediately broken down by the stomach acidity. This is a fact that has been known since the 1950s. All hospital formularies use the injectable form. Best advice is not to buy health or pharmaceutical products from unknown sites or European pharmacies. 

Many of these sites sell fake and counterfeit products. Once you offer your credit card online to someone in Europe or Asia, you will only get two things in return- disappointment and scammed out of your hard earned money.

Growth hormone from alternative practitioners

I have heard that many alternative care professionals have remedies like GH. Is this true?

Today, everyone is competing for the few patients in America who have money. Everyone is claiming to have the best and ultimate treatment for all diseases. Alternative care has gained widespread use because the public is dissatisfied with conventional medicine. However, unlike conventional medicine, many treatments in alternative care are not proven and their benefits are questionable. There is no homeopathic remedy that contains GH. 

If these alternative practitioners are selling such remedies, then you can bet your life, the FDA and the DEA will soon be closing them down. All hormonal supplements in the USA need FDA approval and a prescription. These products are far too dangerous to be dispended by people who have no medical training. If you want to maintain good health, start walking, eat right and do not smoke. Stop relying on supplements and hormones. No matter what you buy and use, you will grow old.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Dermabrasion for tattoo removal

A worker at my spa recommended dermabrasion for removal of my tattoo. Does this work?

All dermabrasion involves is use of a device which rotates at high speed and removes the layers of your skin. The abrasive brush essentially removes the top layers of skin. It is exactly like using sandpaper. The treatment is only for the superficial tattoos. After the procedure you skin will feel raw and painful. 

Unfortunately the majority of people who undergo dermabrasion claim it is CRAP. Moreover, it is also expensive. 

If you do not believe me that this treatment sucks, just take sandpaper, rub it roughly on your skin and decide for yourself if is worth paying 100s of dollars for such nonsense?  

If you do not like your tattoo, just wear a long sleeve shirt  or cover it up. Stop fooling around with such fraudulent remedies. Dermabrasion only benefits the people who offer this treatment- because of your stupidity they live in big homes and drive expensive cars.

Genital warts and sex

I am having chemical treatment for my genital warts for the past month . How long do I have to abstain from sex?

First , most treatments will make you feel like s..t-. so you will not feel like having sex. Secondly, treatment often last a few months. Until your warts have disappeared, sex should be avoided. This time period is usually 3-6 months. If you have sex, use a condom but the protection is only partial.

Surgery for tattoo removal

My doctor says I can have surgery to remove my tattoo?

Sure you can have surgery done to remove anything- even your brain. But just because surgery is done does not mean that it is always effective. Moreover surgery can damage normal tissue, nerves and there are many crappy, dangerous surgeons around.

Surgery is only for the very small tattoos. For the large tattoo, surgery is never recommended as it leave big gaps in your skin. The resultant scar can look many times worse than your tattoo. Next time, someone says surgery for tattoo, tell them to P..s off.

topical erythromycin for acne

I have bad acne and my doctor has prescribed me topical erythromycin? Does this work?

No, erythromycin is the crappiest medicine for acne. And your doctor is a waste of space for giving you such a prescription. Less than 1% of people see any benefit from this drug. It may eradicate one or two pimples but for the majority of people, erythromycin is a waste of money. 

Dump it and go and see a bona fide skin doctor who knows more about acne than your stupid doctor.